Maybe it’s time for a timeout eh?
Recently there seems to have been something of an invasion on the Glasgow Subway, at least in terms of advertising.
Yes I am talking about the new Timeout ads that have arrived in force on our beloved subway.

Now I actually quite like these Timeout ads. They have all the ingredients of a good subway ad. Striking image. Check. Readable headline. Check. Some text underneath that may actually be worth reading while trying to avoid eye contact. Check.
Is the subway inhabited by Culture Vultures? Well I have to say you are more likely to see the punters reading the daily record from my exerience but you do get the odd novel or university textbook so I wouldn’t describe it as a cultural wasteland. Vultures? Maybe not.
Like the hat though.

Playing up to the younger generation this one. Not sure the hip hop generation is necessarily likely to read Timeout but you never know. Quality photo though and very appropriate as the frog’s expression is startingly similar to the one you get from many of the other passengers.

Now this is more like it. You may not see many vultures or frogs knocking around Bridge Street but if you are out on a saturday night then you will see a fair few cheeky monkies. The good news is that they are all usually quite sociable.
The image is a cracker and the hoodie and cap combination just seems to sit right. You can just imagine Stevie, Malky or Leanne fae Govan battering away on their smartphones while wearing that kind of attire. The expression is pretty appropiate as well.
On the whole its pretty much thumbs up for the Timeout adverts on the subway. I never quite understand why they go for the blanket approach and plaster them all over the carriages but I can honestly say that the place is brighter for them being there and that can only be a good thing.
Either way, it is always nice to see the random chuckle from the punters when they first notice them.
Rating: 8 / 10
Jimmy Monteith
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